특히 first home buyer나 투자자들이 주로 찾는 소규모 가격대의 매물이 현저하게 공급부족현상을 나타내고 있는데, 은행소유 매물들이 마켓으로 풀려나오게 되면 이런 현상은 약간 누그러질 것 같아보입니다.
따라서, 향후 2년 정도는 임대주택의 수요 증가와 구매 추세가 갑절로 증가되리라 에상합니다.
미국 부동산 협회(NAR)에 의하면, National Association of Home Builders에서 3400명의 브로커를 대상으로 실시한 설문조사를 통해 파악한 결과, 대부분의 부동산 전문인들이, 바이어 트래픽과 셀러의 관심도가 상당한 차이를 두고 언밸런스를 이루고 있다고 느끼고 있습니다.
바이어와 셀러의 비율이 절반씩 되어야 마켓이 평형을 이루는데,
셀러 관심 지수가 41인데 비해 바이어는 60으로 나타났습니다. (Realtor Confidence Index)
셀러와 바이어의 이러한 불균형 현상은, 융자문제로 클로징이 늦어지는 원인과,
주택 소유자들이 낮은 이자율로 인해 집을 팔지 않고 재융자를 하기때문인 것으로 나타났습니다. 그럼에도 불구하고 지난 4년간 지지부진했던 부동산 매매가 최근에 활기를 띄고 있습니다.
하와이에서도 예외 없이 스튜디오나 원베드룸의 수요가 증가하고 있는 반면에 마켓의 리스팅 매물의 공급이 부족한 실정입니다.
MARKET UPDATE: Lawrence Yun, NAR chief economist, said inventory shortages are a factor. "Buyer interest remains strong but fewer home listings mean fewer contract signing opportunities," he said. "We've been seeing a steady decline in the level of housing inventory, which is most pronounced in the lower price ranges popular with first-time buyers and investors."
"Any bank-owned properties that have been held back in markets with inventory shortages should be released expeditiously to help meet market demand," Yun said. "Housing starts will likely need to double over the next two years to satisfy the pent-up demand for both rentals and ownership."
The NAR press release cited its Realtors Confidence Index which is derived from a survey similar to the one conducted by the National Association of Home Builders in which its members are asked to gauge sales conditions and buyer traffic. The NAR version is based on responses from over 3,400 Realtors. The Index put buyer traffic at 60 while seller interest was at 41 which NAR said shows a large imbalance between buyers and sellers. A value of 50 implies neutral market conditions; the disparity between buyer and seller interest began to grow in early spring and has been in a particularly large imbalance for the past two months.
Yun said that some closings have been delayed, partially because of a surge in refinancing brought on by record low mortgage rates. These transactions, on top of a higher level of home purchases have slowed the closing process. "In addition, there have been some delays with recent foreclosure sales as banks take steps to ensure there are no paperwork problems. This is causing an uneven performance in sales closings, which is likely to continue, but we also see notably higher levels of sales activity compared with a relatively flat performance in the preceding four years." Yun said.
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Aimee Siton Kim(R)
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